Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Taichung department store in sexist promotion shock

Chaps, is this really the way to market a spa?
Sadly it must be reported that a store in Taichung has hired these engagingly feminine young females to stand at the door wearing not very much to promote its spa.  It seems that even these days people in Taiwan think that almost naked statuesque women might boost sales, but there it is.  All we can do is report the facts.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

No prejudice part 2

It was suggested that yesterday's Liu Yuxin was merely a token female in this generally male-dominated blog, and not a genuine statement of liberal non-alignment.  So just to prove the point here is another photo of a Chinese starlet. 

Will she have a vote in this weekend's election of the 1,200 functional constituency representatives who will in turn "elect" the new Chief Executive next March?  Hmmm...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

No prejudices here

She has a PhD in linguistics.  OK, she doesn't really.
Just to prove that this blog is NOT biased against attractive Chinese starlets, even those with suspiciously large breasts, let's hear it for Liu Yuxin (劉雨欣), an attractive Chinese starlet whose breasts are suspiciously large.

Meanwhile, Christmas continues apace in HK.  I was about to trample on this Santa today when I noticed the sign just in time.